The coffee hour has always been a very important part of the 10:00 AM service at St. Peter’s. It is an integral part of our Church’s Fellowship. At the Coffee Hour, we renew old friendships and meet and greet new members to our family. It is here that the family of St. Peters is nourished, not just with food, but with warmth that only the laughter and conversation of friends can bring.
Everyone is welcome. Join us for Coffee Hour every Sunday after the 10 am service.
Won’t you please consider hosting a coffee hour this year and help this important Ministry grow. Since this is a Parish function each Sunday, we would like to see new families and members host this special ministry. Since everyone enjoys the goodies, everyone should take a turn. It is not fair for some families and individuals to host the Coffee Hour Sunday after Sunday. It is time for everyone to take a turn in hosting this important part of our Sunday Service. Instructions on how to prepare for a Coffee Hour are listed on the Bulletin Board and someone is usually available to help you. Just purchase milk, juice and some cookies, donuts, rolls, and bagels. The Church provides paper goods and coffee. Make it as plain or as fancy as you wish. If we just went to the Service and then went home, we would never know each other. We would never grow as a Church family. Since we do not want this to be a financial burden to anyone who hosts a coffee hour, the host may take their expenses from what has been collected in the basket, or you may donate the funds to any organization of the Church. We would like to thank all those who hosted coffee hours in the past. Everyone appreciates your efforts.
See Leah Olsen if you would like to do a coffee hour.
Sunday, 8:15 a.m.: Rite I* said Eucharist* (traditional language) in the Lady Chapel
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.: Rite II* sung Eucharist* (contemporary language) in the Nave*
137 N. Division Street
Peekskill, NY 10566