The Rev. Cheryl A. F. Parris is a bivocational Priest, whose secular position is in the Workforce Development component within the Fedcap Group. She leads a group of Vocation Evaluators help people with disabilities explore their possibilities to become economically self-sufficient by returning back to work.
Prior to returning home to the Bronx to care for her Mother, she served as the Rector of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Savannah. She works within the Diocese of New York to assist Congregations during their Interim Transitional process.
Patricia Richardson is our Parish Administrator. Pat, a longtime active parishioner, handles the day-to-day operations of the parish office, manages the church’s finances and prepares the service bulletins and announcements. When not busy attending to the affairs of St. Peter’s, Pat enjoys reading, meditating, spending time with her family and volunteering in the community.